Friday 21 August 2009

GG withdrawals


Its 3:41am.
I have work in 5hours 19minutes.
I really ought to go to bed.
Only i went to this crap party tonight,
Drank to much whiskey,
was frightened by some man who 'wanted me',
and said it was 'OK for me to squeeze him whenever'.
He was creepy.
I miss gossip girl.
after a night like this i would return and watch a new delightful episode.
But no, theres no Blair manipulating and scheming in Tory Burch
no Serena attempting kindness in Herve Leger
and Nate just looking hot in Brooks brothers
Chuck Bass.



Hello, you remembered :) Thankyou. I got AAB and am off to Leeds to study Politics with a year abroad for four years AHHHH!!
How about you, are you well? X

LiPs said...

you have a 2.55. I kind of hate you. this will change if you give it to me.

I don't get Gossip girl, it could be good but for me it doesn't quite cut it. Also Chuck Bass makes me want to touch myself. Yes I said it.

Alex Dom said...

love this photo of them! cant wait for gossip girl season 3!